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T+ Blood PrOjects
We wished to expand on the Nic T+, Blood Boa project but felt we needed to add something special to the collection in order to do justice to our amazing male, Nic T+, Blood. After a little searching we came across a fabulous female Sumoton (Onyx, Motley) Het Nic T+ at a reptile show, bred by Superghost-Boa’s. With this addition we have included the exciting Onyx Gene into the collection. The super form of the Onyx is a pattern less black boa with a red belly, however there is a degree of mystery still surrounding the Onyx gene as there are 2 clearly identifiable Motley, Onyx combination, some striped called Sumotons and some non-striped called Monotons and it is still unclear as to what causes this. We will be breeding our Sumoton, Het Nic T+ into the Nic T+, Blood project with the eventually goal to produce visual Nic T+, Blood Sumotons and Super Onyx in a few years later. We will also be investigating the Sumoton phenomenon with this project so watch this space for more information in the future.
The Ophidian Select Boa projects came from a desire to add some species diversity to the collection and the chance discovery a beautiful Nicaraguan (Nic) T+ Motely female available from Selective Bred, which was our first Boa. After an extensive search for a direction in which to take the Boa project we decided to invested in a world first male Nic T+, Blood Boa which we imported ourselves directly from Tom Burke in the USA. Nic T+, Blood boas are amazing animals, a truly unreal red as a baby they also keep a high degree of colour as an adult. From our first pairing we produced some fantastic Nic T+, Het Blood babies some of which stood out as being extremely brightly colour with a marked increase in red colour despite only being Het for Blood. We should be in a position to breed these Het’s soon and hopeful create some World first Motley, Nic T+, Blood boas as well as continuing to select and line breed for the brightest individuals.